Ticino, Switzerland

Caslano Park Beach

Caslano Park Beach is a charming, lake-side beach that offers visitors a tranquil environment. The beach is easily accessible and provides an excellent spot for swimming and other water activities. The ambiance is particularly serene in the afternoons, making it an ideal location for those seeking to relax and rejuvenate. The beach is also well-equipped with a large surface area and numerous changing rooms, catering to the needs of both children and adults.
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What to do at Caslano Park Beach?


Best restaurants near Caslano Park Beach include Ristorante - Pizzeria San Michele, Tresa Bay Hotel, Osteria Battello, Ristorante Golf Club Lugano, Debarcadero Osteria Ristorante and Turkish Istanbul Pizza And Kebap.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the serene ambiance and good access to the water for swimming and other activities at the beach. They appreciate the quiet environment and find it a relaxing spot, suitable for both children and adults. However, some visitors complain about the beach being too commercial with many sales staff and offers.

Where is Caslano Park Beach?

Latitude: 45.972588 / Longitude: 8.8683272

Caslano Park Beach is located in Ticino. The following map of Caslano Park Beach shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Caslano Park Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.


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