Marmara Region, Turkey

Işık Sitesi Plajı

Işık Sitesi Plajı is a beautiful beach situated in the Büyükçekmece district of İstanbul, Turkey. It is especially known for its clean and calm sea, making it an appealing option for swimming. Visitors appreciate its tranquility, which contributes to its reputation as one of the most attractive beaches in Istanbul. However, it should be noted that the quality of the water might vary, according to some visitors. The beach is popular among both locals and tourists, and while it can get crowded, most visitors find the overall atmosphere to be enjoyable.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the cleanliness and tranquility of the sea, making it a preferred swimming spot in Istanbul, and some even consider it the most beautiful. The overall sentiment towards the beach is positive, with visitors expressing their love for it. However, there were complaints about the water not always being very clean.

Where is Işık Sitesi Plajı?

Latitude: 41.0321938 / Longitude: 28.4471876

Işık Sitesi Plajı is located in Marmara Region. The following map of Işık Sitesi Plajı shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Işık Sitesi Plajı?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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