Carinthia, Austria


Rauschelesee is a picturesque beach located near a small lake. The beach is known for its warm water, making it an ideal spot for families. The natural beauty of the lake and its surroundings provide stunning views for visitors. The beach is also a popular spot for kids, offering a perfect environment for swimming, playing, and relaxing.
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What to do at Rauschelesee?


One of the best restaurants near Rauschelesee is Gasthaus am Rauschelesee.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beauty of the beach and the warmth of the lake water, making it a perfect spot for families and kids. They also appreciate the relaxing atmosphere and the nice views it offers. There were no complaints mentioned in the reviews.

Where is Rauschelesee?

Latitude: 46.5864325 / Longitude: 14.2202725

Rauschelesee is located in Carinthia. The following map of Rauschelesee shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Rauschelesee?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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