Carinthia, Austria

Schluga Seebad

Schluga Seebad is a beach known for its marvelous views. It is equipped with amenities such as toilets and changing rooms. For those interested in activities, the beach offers a volleyball field and boat, SUP, and canoe rentals. The beach also features a beach bar, where visitors can enjoy the view over the lake while having snacks. An inflatable playground adds to the fun, making it a great place for families. The beach is also dog-friendly, with a separate area designated for guests with dogs. However, visitors should be aware that the water at the beach can be quite cold.
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What to do at Schluga Seebad?


Schluga Seebad amenities include toilet.


You can enjoy a refreshing drink at one of the bars situated on the beach.


Best restaurants near Schluga Seebad include Restaurant, Schluga See Café, Hotel KÀrntnerhof, Jancar GnbR, Seestube Zum Alois, Restaurant - Hotel KÀrntnerhof and ZeitwirtŽs.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the marvelous view and the availability of amenities such as toilets, changing rooms, and a beach volleyball field. The beach is also appreciated for being pet-friendly and having a separate area for guests with dogs. However, some visitors complain about the water being very cold.

Where is Schluga Seebad?

Latitude: 46.6294862 / Longitude: 13.4460524

Schluga Seebad is located in Carinthia. The following map of Schluga Seebad shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Schluga Seebad?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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