Central Region, Malta

Westin Rock Beach

Westin Rock Beach is a picturesque beach located in the central region of St. Julian's. Unlike many beaches, Westin Rock Beach is characterized by its rocky terrain, providing a unique experience for visitors. This feature, while uncommon, offers a distinct opportunity for activities such as diving and snorkeling. The beach is less crowded compared to other beaches in the region, possibly due to the presence of sandy beaches nearby. This makes it an ideal location for those seeking a more peaceful and quiet environment to relax and enjoy the sea. The beach also offers a pleasant view of the region's casino, adding to its charm. Accessibility to Westin Rock Beach is made convenient by a nearby parking structure, making it easier for visitors to reach the beach by car. An interesting aspect of the beach is the presence of small houses with their own names, reflecting Malta's architectural characteristics. However, visitors should be cautious as the beach is often littered with trash, including broken glass. It is recommended to wear proper footwear to avoid any potential hazards. Despite this, Westin Rock Beach remains a unique and enjoyable location for those wanting to explore a different side of the typical beaches in the region.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the unique beauty and tranquility of the rocky beach, with its crystal clear water and pleasant views, making it an ideal spot for relaxation, diving, and snorkeling. The beach's less crowded nature and easy accessibility by car are also appreciated. However, visitors complain about the beach being littered with trash and broken glass, posing a safety concern.

Where is Westin Rock Beach?

Latitude: 35.9235436 / Longitude: 14.4931642

Westin Rock Beach is located in Central Region. The following map of Westin Rock Beach shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Westin Rock Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.


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