Valencia Province, Spain

Platja del GurugĂș

Platja del GurugĂș is a fantastic beach known for its clean and unpopulated environment. The beach is characterized by its soft sands and warm water with mild to no waves, providing a serene and relaxing atmosphere for visitors. It is equipped with amenities such as toilets, a library, and fresh water showers. A walkway is also present, making it a great location for flat cycling by the sea. The beach is also known for its great and chill environment, offering free sun and vibes for a perfect beach day.
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What to do at Platja del GurugĂș?


Platja del GurugĂș amenities include toilet and shower.


Best restaurants near Platja del GurugĂș include PingĂŒins Burguer, Restaurante La Ola, Restaurante Club De Golf and Ri&Co BistrĂł Restaurant.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the fantastic and chill environment of the beach, with its clean, unpopulated surroundings and amenities such as toilets, a library, and fresh water showers. They also appreciate the soft sands, warm water, and mild to no waves, making it great for flat cycling by the sea. However, some visitors complain about the prices.

Where is Platja del GurugĂș?

Latitude: 39.9975908 / Longitude: 0.0294449

Platja del GurugĂș is located in Valencia Province. The following map of Platja del GurugĂș shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Platja del GurugĂș?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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