Liguria, Italy

Beach Piani

Beach Piani is a picturesque beach located in the Savona area. Known for its clean water, it is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the region. The beach is equipped with bars and amenities, however, it is recommended for visitors to bring their own umbrellas and beds as these are often reserved in advance. The beach can get crowded with tourists, especially during peak seasons. One of the challenges faced by visitors is the limited parking availability. Despite these minor inconveniences, the breathtaking views and the overall beauty of the beach make it a must-visit destination.
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What to do at Beach Piani?


Beach Piani amenities include parking.


You can enjoy a refreshing drink at one of the bars situated on the beach.


Best restaurants near Beach Piani include Cà du Mà, La Bussola, Bar Focacceria I Giascia, Boccanegra Restaurant, Hotel San Michele Celle, 27 Food & Drinks, Il Pesce Pazzo and A Lanterna.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beach's clean water and beautiful scenery as its most appealing features. Many also appreciate its great location, although it can get crowded with tourists. However, visitors complain about the lack of available amenities without reservation and the difficulty of finding parking.

Where is Beach Piani?

Latitude: 44.3446609 / Longitude: 8.5530863

Beach Piani is located in Liguria. The following map of Beach Piani shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Beach Piani?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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